I'm afraid we've been pretty neglectful of the garden, and yet, it seems to thrive. As you can see here, we're tremendously overgrown with weeds, but the stuff we actually planted doesn't seem to mind sharing the fertile wealth with the weeds.
The herb garden is seriously overgrown, but luckily, it's overgrown with herbs!
The sage and the basil have really thrived. The cilantro got too tall and flowered, and then apparently spread itself everywhere. We actually have cilantro growing in our lawn. It makes for a nice smell when we mow the lawn!
A lot of flowers have arrived -- currently we have lots of lilies in white and pink in front of the house. The bees seem very happy:
Our tomatillos are very happy with all the warm, wet weather:
I did a little bit of weeding earlier this week, and while I was ripping stuff out, I was thrilled to discover some little shoots of a rhubarb plant!
They were buried under the weeds! Hopefully their new access to sunlight will help them grow. We won't be eating any rhubarb from the garden this year, but this little plant will hopefully come back next year to get our crop started.
The Jerusalem Artichokes have taken off. They're very tall, and I can only hope that their tubers are growing as well as their green tops are:
There's also an onion growing quite well, though it's a bit hidden in the artichokes.
Carter has been doing his best to keep up with eating all the grass that crops up in the garden. He's a helpful dog.
We'll be off for some family visits soon, so this may be the only July post. Who knows what the garden will look like by August?