Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Tully Trip 2015

We've returned from our annual trip to Tully Lake, where we had a fabulous weekend of camping with Ian and Elizabeth.

Here's Lucy's take on it:

Here's the whole gang at the end of the weekend (we probably should have taken one at the start):

We've been doing this since 2012, when we looked like this:  or this:

And here's the whole gang in 2013:

And here's the 2014 version:

We've refined ourselves a bit over the years, improving our gear and our food. This year, cast iron skillet yielded delicious bacon as well as dough deep-fried in that very bacon's grease.  It was amazingly delicious.

Sadly, due to an algae bloom, we were not allowed to go swimming or wading, which also meant that we couldn't bring Alice (because there's no way to keep that dog out of the water).  So Alice had a lovely time at Camp Furvana (Paula's house) and we spent our time on long hikes and just hanging out.  We went on a beaver hunt (in the canoe) but sadly did not see any beavers.  But we did talk a lot with a ranger, who is a wildlife rehabilitation specialist.  She is raising a baby beaver who got separated from her mother.  In related news, Lucy now wants to grow up to be a wildlife rehabilitation specialist (previous plan was zookeeper).

Can't wait til next year.


Tuesday, September 29, 2015

The times, they are a'changin'

We have several important updates for our readers:

1) Lucy is now in Second Grade! 

This is shocking.  Here's what she thinks:

2) Lucy is taking piano lessons!  

Also, we now have a piano!

Here's a visual demonstration of both of those things:

And here is Lucy's illustration of the new situation:

3) Lucy is playing soccer for the Dracut Flash!  

Here she is in her uniform:

This is our first foray into the world of competitive sports.  So far, so good.  We started this past Sunday, and it looks like we're going back for week 2.  Go Flash!

Here's Lucy's story about it from school:
She really likes it.  Even the oranges.
4) The above are all awesome things.  But we also have a Very Bad Thing we have to report.  Our very favorite Beacon Street family has moved.   To Maine.  Which is Far.  Not That Far, but still, not here.  We are very excited for Matt and Mary and Ruth and Woody to start their new adventure in Maine, but we are very sad that they are no longer our neighbors.  They will still retain honorary status as members of the Christian Hill Cocktail Society (CHCS).  We all go way back:

We raise a glass to Matt and Mary and Ruth and Woody, and we will all visit soon!!!!

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Second Grade

Summer is officially (unofficially?) over, as today my school and Lucy's school commenced the academic year.  Lucy is off to second grade. I find this shocking.  She had a great day and is happy with her teacher and classmates.  I asked her if all the kids talked about what they did last summer, and how they introduced themselves.  She said a there was a lot of talk about Canobie Lake (a theme park not far from here) and such summer things.  Here's where it went from there:

Me: Well, what did you tell them about yourself?

Lucy: I told them I have a dog, and her name is Alice and that my dog has a doppelganger named Remy.

Me: Oh.  Did the other kids know what a doppelganger is?

Lucy: No, so I explained that.

So I can only imagine what Lucy's teacher and classmates now think of her.

I couldn't be more proud.

Also, Alice DOES have a doppelganger named Remy and they are mortal enemies.  It's almost hilarious, if it weren't sometimes scary the way they seem to want to destroy each other.

Happy New School Year!  I hope to have updates soon.