On Saturday evening, after she refused pizza (which she normally inhales) and cheese (which she regularly demands by name), I offered her a rice cracker. I had just bought these crackers earlier in the day. I've previously bought them, and she liked them a lot. They're crunchy and a bit salty -- what's not to like?
She took the cracker from me with a smile, put it up to her mouth, then made a sad face. "Argh!" I said. "But the rice cracker is yummy!" She put it to her mouth again and made the sad face, and cried, then jettisoned the rice cracker from the highchair.
Moments later, an astute guest pointed out a tiny word on the packaging of the rice crackers that I had overlooked. Perhaps you will see it in this picture:
Yes, that's right. I did not in fact purchase the PLAIN rice crackers that I had intended to purchase. I had purchased WASABI-enhanced rice crackers. So Lucy got a big mouthful of wasabi. She was not ready for that.
Worst. Mommy. Ever.
By the way, for those of you who were wondering about the outcome of the last 83 Durant nightmare (i.e. non-functioning boiler), we haven't had any more trouble since that one weird night. Hrrmmmmm...