The 83 Durant Garden is coming right along. We've had some great weather for it so far.
Today there was a very exciting development: strawberries! I picked and ate two delicious red shiny strawberries off of our very own plants. The plants are still looking a bit scrawny, but we're hoping they will develop and bear lots more fruit for us.
This tomato plant is coming along -- check out the flowers! And the lettuce is looking great, too!
And then of course, there are the parts of the garden that we love, although we can claim no credit for, namely, the lovely flowers, particularly the clematis and the roses, which are growing like weeds:
83 Durant, the blog, is going on a week-long hiatus so we can visit our families. Upon our return, we look forward to finding:
1) exponential garden development
2) a dry basement (we hope!)
3) a bunch more projects to start and resume
Wow, the garden looks great! I look forward to some fresh strawberries when I come up to visit this month!