He has replaced the large piece of baseboard that we busted when we were doing demolition:
He has also started on a promising solution for the mess where the built-in once was. He's going to put in some new flooring, and has already ripped out the bungled up old stuff. You can also see here that he is fixing the problem with the baseboard and molding around the bottom of the original built-in:
And here's the top of the old built-in:
He'll be back next week to continue the job. We're very pleased with his work!
Jake has also taken up carpentry, and is installing new storm doors. Here's the U-G-L-Y (and broken, and highly ineffective) storm door for the door off the kitchen:
Here's the inside view:
As you might be able to see, the lower window doesn't fit, and the thing is literally held together with tape. The latch handle is broken, and sometimes it doesn't stay shut. We also don't have any screens for it. It's time for an upgrade!
We ordered the doors (custom of course, nothing in this house this old can be found in a "standard" size) from Lowes during the Massachusetts tax holiday. Plus there's the energy-saving tax credit. Woo hoo! After some struggles (which perhaps he will detail here himself) we have a LOVELY storm door (in "cranberry") installed. It lets a lot of light (via the window) and air (via the screen) into the kitchen. And it should provide more energy efficiency for the winter.
Of course, the most important improvement, according to one of 83 Durant's residents is the Dog Visibility Factor (DVF). Carter is really enjoying being able to see in and out (the old door was too high for him).
The pink room has a door to the back porch that had no storm door at all. It was a serious point of cold air entry, as we discovered back during our infrared report. We have another door -- much like this one, but white instead of cranberry -- that Jake will install soon.
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