The AAS collections are really great. I've used them just a little bit in my research, and I hope to use them more again soon. So it seemed appropriate to support their conservation and collection efforts. We talked it over with Lucy and she decided she would like to adopt this book called Girls' Stories. It's from around 1874, which is a lot older than Lucy is. Here is a hilarious description of the book from the website:
Six short stories; each of them exposes the sweetness and foibles of six different girls; includes the timeless tales of Rosa, the girl who "helped" her mother by jamming up her sewing machine; and of "Fanny the Fidget" who would not stand still for the photographer (quite the lengthy process in the 1870s!).
It seems a perfect fit, since Lucy also has difficulty sitting still for photos. Although she has not yet "helped" with my sewing, there's plenty of time for her to fulfill her destiny.
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