Lucy's Perspective:
Uneeda Biscuits are basically extra-large saltines without salt on the tops. I love Saltines, so I figured I would love these, too. It turns out, these are a bit harder than Saltines, and so I had a hard time biting into them. Once my mom broke them up for me a bit, I had a better time and was able to munch happily.
Bridget's Thoughts:
I bought these because because I love their name. Actually, I didn't even think they were made anymore. There used to be a very old "UNeedaBiscuit" ad painted on the side of a building in Northampton, and I always thought it was a great name. But I figured they'd been discontinued ages ago. But there they were, in the cracker aisle of my Market Basket. They're OK, but Lucy wasn't crazy about them. She's a big fan of Ritz, which she prefers over Saltines.
Arrowroot Biscuits
Lucy says:
Yum! But still, they're pretty hard, and I can't bite into them. When mom breaks them up, I can suck on the smaller pieces and eat those, which I like. Hey! There's a baby on the box! I like that!
Bridget says:
These seem like cookies. Should we be feeding Lucy cookies at this point? I'm not so sure. Again, some product nostalgia here; I didn't know they still made these.
Organic Biscuits for Teethers
These biscuits are hard! Very hard! I can't even break off a piece. It's like a lego! I love legos! Is this really food?
Super hard. And super messy. Incredibly messy. Basically, they slowly melted in her mouth and hands, completely covering her with a sticky brown molasses mess. She has fun with them, but we only feed these to her right before we're giving her a bath. In fact, she once ate one in the bath. So it's an edible bath toy.
That's all for today's installment. We'll see if we can get Lucy to do more food reviews soon.
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