The room formerly known as Bridget's Office/Guest Room is now just a Guest Room. But Bridget's old desk is still in there, so now it's sort of becoming a craft room or project room. As well as a guest room. So crafty guests will feel particularly welcome. I'll try to get some Office Office and Guest Room pictures up at some point.
Update: Here's the Guest Room, specifically the new "Project Area":
In retirement news, we've retired a few of the large plastic objects that were cluttering our dining room. Lucy's ExerSaucer and her Leapster thingy have officially been put into basement storage. This frees up a lot of room in the dining room, providing more space for playing with the kid and dog, or for the kid to play with the dog.
Also retiring, after a long and much-loved service, is the Duck Tub. We all loved the duck tub. We brought it with us on vacation, we used it as a baby pool, we used it as a baby sled. But Lucy has outgrown the Duck Tub, and it has developed a bit of a leak. So we've upgraded to the Tub Bumpers that Ma and Pa got Lucy for Christmas. They provide a bit of cushioning for Lucy's sometimes wild antics in the full-sized tub. She really loves the bathtub, and gets very angry when she is taken out of it.
Warning: Explicit Content: You may not want to read any farther if you are squeamish about bodily functions or are uncomfortable reading about human poop. But we feel this is a service we are providing to other uninformed new- or future-parents. This can happen to you. End Warning.
Recently, we've had to take her out of the tub rather abruptly, as she has developed a very unfortunate habit of pooping in the tub. During her first year or so of life, I'd say Lucy pooped in the tub maybe three times. You should be so lucky all the time. In the past month, we've had "Code Brown" incidents with shocking regularity. When we were in Washington, we were charmed by Lucy's Ma singing a little song, "poop in the tub!" in a sweet voice when this happened. This truly tells you the difference between parents and grandparents. While grandparents are placid and even cheerful and laughing about tub-pooping incidents, parents (or at least these parents) find it to be cause for yelling and using words we shouldn't use around a kid who's learning about new words.
Hi Bridget
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping by the blog. I've enjoyed catching up with you all via 83 Durant– it's fun to read and that Lucy is quite the charmer! Best of luck with the Code Brown issue, that's a tough one. Be well!
while i am also quite amused by the tubpooping story (although i am sure i would be less amused if i were there in the room with the tub and the poop) -- i am also WAY more interested, because this is what i do for a living you may recall, in what lucy starts SAYING when she starts saying lots of stuff. will you keep me posted? can i do a paper on her?
Anne-Michelle, You may be interested in our new blog feature, "Lucy's Lexicon" on the left column of the blog. I've shamelessly borrowed the idea from Elizabeth's blog, where you can see Esme's dictionary!