Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Lucy Bridge, Master of Deception

For a while now -- like four months -- we've thought that Lucy was on the verge of walking. Generally, she's not all that interested in it, as she can crawl VERY fast to get to whatever she wants. She's taken a few steps here, and actually, right before our St. Pat's party, she took about 8 steps. We were very excited. But Lucy still seemed not all that interested in walking around, even though it seemed that for everyone involved, this would make things like going outside a lot easier. Today, I learned the truth about my daughter: she can walk just fine.

Apparently, all day yesterday at daycare, she was walking, much to the delight of the other girls there. I found this out because another daycare mom came in this morning and said "I hear we have a walker!" I had NOT heard that we had a walker, because our daycare provider (who is great) doesn't want to make moms sad when their kids pass some milestone there instead of at home. Hilarious.

So apparently, the bean has a secret skill set that she hides from us. What else can she do that we don't know about?

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