Thursday, February 25, 2010


That number is, according to Microsoft Word, how many words appear in my manuscript [OK, typescript] that I sent off today! Woo hoo! Those of you who have been following previous posts (such as this one) will know that I've been working on revisions and such. Today I did the final print out, which came to 317 pages. That's 568,287 characters including spaces, for those of you who like to have the full data set on this behemoth.
So now it goes off to be typeset and then sometime (I'm not sure when) I will get proofs to review. This is very exciting.
I also sent in my awesome cover image, but I'm not going to share it here because it's so very cool that I want to save the exciting unveiling until I actually have a book to show for it. I don't know just when that will be yet, but hopefully by a year from now.
Party. On.


  1. Congratulations, Bridget!!! 317 pages-amazing!! If you're wondering what to do with your time now - travel west??? rose

  2. Many congrats!
    (incidentally, I just received an email of my contract: I hope to be in your position in 3 or 4 months)
