We spent a bit of time this weekend on outdoor improvements. We're in the process of fixing the fence, which has a few broken pickets. We found some replacement ones, which we cut to size, and if it ever dries out, I'll be painting them this week and Jake will install them. I'll get some pictures up when I get some (it's raining right now and has been for the afternoon).
We're also waiting for things to dry out so that we can stain our new railing, which makes our steps down to the garden a bit more safe.
In garden news, the rhubarb is looking great!
Jake even made some rhubarb compote for me for Mother's Day. It's exciting to see this plant really thriving. The strawberries are flowering, which is a great sign, too. The sage plant is out of control, and some other herbs (chives, and parsley, I think) have returned again this year.
This weekend we planted some new herbs (pictures forthcoming soon), including thai basil, thyme, lemon geranium, basil, and.....shoot, I've forgotten. I'll update later. We got starts for three tomato plants, kale, and a hot pepper plant. We're going small this year, as we'll be away quite a bit this summer. Still, we do love fresh tomatoes from the garden. We also got a little lime tree.
We did our garden shopping at a great local place, Mahoney's Garden center (the Chelmsford one). We're hoping to go back in a couple weeks to get tomatillos, and perhaps some raspberry plants, too.
We spent part of our day today at the reservoir with Ruth & Woody & Matt & Mary. The photo evidence is on Flickr. The girls are hilarious together. We also spent a bit of time at Carter's old school, All Breeds, where they had a big open house festival thing. Carter got lots of loving from his old friends (and lots of treats for good behavior).
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