After that, we went up to Hurricane Ridge, where Lucy did some sledding. She loved it!
On the way home, we stopped at Feiro Marine Life Center in Port Angeles, where we got to watch an octopus eat a crab!
It was amazing. And we felt VERY lucky, because they don't feed the octopus every day, and we happened to be there at just the right time. Hooray! I heart octopi!
We also got to see (and touch!) cool creatures like sea stars and sea cucumbers. Totally cool!
Here we are outside:
It's been a busy day.
Lucy has been enjoying listening to Bunnicula on audiobook. It's a book I loved as a kid (I believe it was my favorite in the second grade).
She's now onto the sequel, Howliday Inn.
We're getting her trained up early on the basics of the Gothic, and literary studies in general. The other evening, when we got into the car and we realized that we didn't have an of the CDs with us, she protested until we asked her to tell us a story. She started in with her apparently epic, The Nineteen Vampires. It even has chapters.
Totally read both of those books. Though I think I was a bit older. Getting Lucy started young, yes?