Thursday, March 1, 2012

SNOW DAY! (Hello, March!)

We're in the midst of a fabulous snowstorm.  Right now, the conditions are described as:

Awesome!  This has been a considerable storm, starting yesterday around 2 in the afternoon, going through the night, and continuing until 6 (or so forecasts say) tonight.  Way to go, Winter!

My school closed early yesterday, so I picked up Lucy from school right after her nap.  She was delighted, and loved getting to come home and hang out.  Jake came home early, too.  Lovely!  Today, my school remained closed, but Lucy's wasn't.  So, after a late sleep and a relaxed morning, Jake took Lucy and Ruth into school so that we could both get some work done.  It's been a productive day.  Woo hoo!

In two of my (cancelled) classes today, I had a mid-term paper due.  I can totally and fully imagine just how happy those students are.  I remember those days all too well.  I suppose I am also somewhat enjoying the absence of a stack of papers this weekend....although this just means even MORE papers next week (since the other class is also scheduled to turn in theirs on Thursday).

Lucy just got home from school and demanded a band-aid.  You may remember that in the past, Lucy would Freak Out if you suggested that a band-aid might help.  We're not quite sure when or why, but that changed sometime last fall, to the point that for Christmas, she asked for (and received) a box of Hello Kitty band-aids.  She uses them for all injuries, real and imagined.  Today she came home with a small (very small) scrape on her thumb. 

Me: How'd you get that scrape?
Lucy: I was sucking my thumb.
Me: But you don't suck your thumb. [seriously, this child has NEVER been a thumb-sucker]
Lucy: Well, I was sucking my thumb.
Me: But why?
Lucy: Because I was pretending to be a kinkajou.

Ah-ha.  Dear reader, you may remember that a few days ago, we went to an animal show that included a kinkajou.  Said kinkajou was bottle-fed, and therefore, as the animal guide pointed out, he has a habit of sucking his thumb.  So there.


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