Carlisle: They'll fix you up
The above proposed promotional tag line for Carlisle is a result of the fact that we (finally) got a bunch of things fixed while we were here. And all within like 8 hours. I got a new battery for my watch, then Jake got his battery fixed, then we got the car fixed. It was an amazing day of getting stuff fixed. What was wrong with the car? Well, if you saw us during our travels, you also heard us....Ernie suggested that we could easily join a motorcycle gang. Lucy exclaimed "the car farted!" We needed a bit of exhaust work. But all is well now!
Sign that delighted me: Free Veggies Mondays 5:45 / Next Bike Repair Clinic (seen outside a local church)
Sign that horrified me: Gun Raffle (seen outside the local fire station)
Sight that delighted me: A giant field of solar panels at my old high school, including SHEEP grazing underneath them to keep the grass & weeds under control. Brilliant!
Other highlights: walking Gus (Mom's neighbor Gloria's dog), as pictured here:
Among other Carlisle attractions, there's always the fun of going up into the attic archives at my Mom's house. On this trip I found and claimed:
-a doll that I made of Long John Silver as a book report project in the seventh grade (it now sits in my office as a talisman against extra credit projects)
-two metal casket plates engraved with my name (I once made these regularly on Saturdays spent at the Boyertown casket sales office with my Dad. I thought they were all long gone, so I was delighted that these had been saved!)
-my three Strawberry Shortcake dolls (Apricot, Lemon Merigue, and Lime) all wrapped up inside their original boxes (will they go to Lucy or will they go on Ebay?)
Being back at my Mom's house always involves seeing things that I haven't looked at in decades....particularly since she did a really good job of saving all of my (and Brendan's) toys and has cleaned them all up to share with Lucy and Luke. One of the greatest hits is these fish (shown above), which are a really simple thing -- basically plastic or vinyl and they cling to the walls of the bathtub. I remember them vividly my childhood, and Lucy is crazy about them. The design is just so simple and pleasing. But we have no idea where they came from, or who made them, or if anything like them is still made. Readers, do they look familiar? We think they're circa 1978 or so. Maybe 1980.
It was a short visit to Germantown, but we were delighted to see Brendan & Jennifer & Luke. We can't wait to meet their new family member, too. We visited the best playground ever: South Germantown's Adventure Playground. It was really, seriously, amazing. It even accommodated grown-ups (though the taller ones had some trouble with the height of some things). Because Lucy and Luke were both vibrating balls of excitement flying off in different directions, it was difficult to get a photo of the two of them together. But there are a few good ones:
There's some video of that madness, too, and I will try to process it and get it posted soon.
We also played an exhausting game of Settlers of Catan. Mistakes were made, alliances formed, trust broken....we may never play again.
Below is the first photo on the camera from Germantown, which bears striking resemblance to the last photo on the camera from Rehoboth (a bit further below):
There was so much that happened in the week that it's hard to keep track. Lucy had an amazing time with her cousins, who very kindly tolerated her particular variety of insanity, which included fairly constant singing, a return to her narration mode ("she said"/'she exclaimed"/"she yelled as she pushed" after every statement), and an obsession with being read to. Jamie read her a ton of books, as did most of the visitors to the house. She slept in our room, and in the middle of one night, she awoke and groggily, pitifully asked, "can somebody please read something to me?" Yup.
Speaking of beach reading, I picked up the second installment of Deborah Harkness's trilogy and devoured all 500+ pages while at the beach. I was in a race against Jessamy (I lost) to finish. It was terrific. You may recall my praise for the first volume, A Discovery of Witches, but I may have liked this one -- Shadow of Night -- even better.
In the spirit of reading, we visited our favorite beach store, Browseabout Books, where we had a special visit from Clifford, the Big Red Dog. Here's Lucy's face when he arrived:
Besides reading, there was also some bike riding, with the tandem playing a key role in our transportation around the beach:

(And yes, Lucy is carrying two loaves of french bread there in the back seat.)
The big beach event was the Cocktail Party hosted by Ernie and Vonnie. The crowd was huge, the food was amazing, and the dancing....well, here you can see for yourself:
The big beach event was the Cocktail Party hosted by Ernie and Vonnie. The crowd was huge, the food was amazing, and the dancing....well, here you can see for yourself:
Sadly, I didn't get many pictures (though I did take some pictures of the night-before-practice-cocktail-party: check the flickr stream right around here), but boy, did everyone have a good time. On the way home from the party (we were on the bike) Lucy asked, "Can we have a cocktail party at our house tomorrow night to thank Vonnie and Ernie for their cocktail party?" Genius idea. The kid likes a cocktail party.
These boys are sitting on a goldmine -- investors? Seriously, they could make a mint on this.
We also took the requisite visit to Funland, which was, despite this image of Lucy's apparent displeasure:
very fun, as you might infer from this image:
Cousins: they make everything more fun.
And although Lucy was completely exhausted (and covered in ice cream) by the end of the evening, she really did have a tremendous time. We all did:
Final analysis: Funland: it's fun.
So long, Farewell, 506 Scarborough:
I'm going to wind things up here, but wanted to end by thanking all the lovely folks who made our trip possible. It was great to see all of you. I've tried to put the better photos up on Flickr.
And if we didn't get to see you on this trip, I sure hope we can next time!
Where has the summer gone? It's almost August.
Hi Bridget,
ReplyDeleteIt was so fun to catch up with you and Jake and Lucy in Rehoboth this year! Here's the feminist analysis of Brave that I thought you would enjoy (warning: it contains major spoilers if you haven't seen the movie yet):