Monday, September 24, 2012


We just bought our house.  Again.  By which I mean, of course, that we managed to do a refinance (with these crazy low interest rates) and we closed today!  Hurrah!  I cannot believe it.  It's quite a bit different to sit at the lawyer's office and sign your life away without a moving truck sitting outside.  Perhaps you remember how it all started, way back here.

So cheers! 

And while I'm here, a few quick updates:

1) We've been out and about in the canoe a few times lately, with paddles on the Merrimack and the Concord.  Lucy loves it.  We had never taken her out before (in fact, our last trip in the canoe may well have been this one).  We've seen a bunch of turtles and a blue heron, and lots of other birds.  It's been fun.

2) We had an awesome camping trip at Tully Lake this past weekend.  Many thanks to Ian & Elizabeth for bringing us along, and to Matt & Mary for the loan of their cavernous tent.  There are pics here of us with the tent, and here of the crazy orange newts Lucy kept befriending.  Lucy had a grand time.  We even got to experience a thunderstorm (from safely inside our tent); Lucy slept through the whole thing.  Ian & Elizabeth did not.  Here is a portion of their conversation:

Elizabeth (in Elizabeth-panic): Ian!  I think there's someone outside the tent!  Do you have your knife?
Ian (in what can only be described as Ian-like calm): Yes.
Elizabeth: WHY DO YOU HAVE A KNIFE IN THE TENT???!?!?!?!?!

So my next writing project is going to be a buddy-cop TV show, featuring Ian and Elizabeth.  They're married to their jobs....and each other!  It's Mazsa & Mazsa, Crime Scene Investigators.  It's gonna be a huge hit.

That's all for now.  

1 comment:

  1. Please. Please. Please write that show. I would totally watch it.
