Saturday, June 1, 2013

Conversations with Lucy (and a note about some new posts)

I have a large backlog of Conversations with Lucy (TM) to share, so I'll try to get some down while I have a minute.

Back around Easter, there was much cause for confusion:

Lucy: What do we celebrate when we celebrate Easter?
Me: Well, the Easter bunny comes.
Lucy: No, what do we CELEBRATE?
Me: Uh, well, for some people, it's about Jesus.
Lucy (without missing a beat): Why are there eggs?  What do eggs have to do with Jesus?  Were they his favorite food?

Anyone want to jump in on that one?  I mean, it's pretty late now, but, maybe for next year?  The conversation continued from there, with this:

Lucy: Who brings the eggs?
Me: Uh, who do you think?
Lucy: Santa Claus!
Me (totally befuddled by this): Why do you say that?
Lucy: How can a bunny carry a basket?

All I can think of is David Sedaris' Me Talk Pretty One Day and his hilarious "The rabbit of Easter.  He bring of the chocolate" when he finds out that in France, a big bell flies in from Rome to deliver Easter delights to the children.  If you've never read that story before, I highly recommend it.

So I've taken a little time to go back and fix up some old posts, and while doing that, I discovered a couple of unpublished drafts that never actually went live.  One of them is just a tiny kitchen update, which you can read here:

And the other is a much more detailed story of my trip to Savannah, with lots of pictures, which you can read here:

Spring semester was really insanely busy, with lots of unexpected things happening; I talked about that a bit in my long April post about the very bad week, which was really mostly a very bad month; in general, it seemed like the world was upside down and I never found a moment to sit and write.  Most of the time, I try to post the new things at the top, and I haven't backdated entries before.  But these ones just seemed to belong in their chronological place, so that's where I put them.  I know regular readers might miss them otherwise, so that's why this note is here.

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