Thursday, August 29, 2013

The times they are a changin'

Today is Lucy's last day at Lowell Day Nursery.

She had a slight meltdown this morning before we took her there.  I may have a slight meltdown myself.  It's very strange to be leaving this place we've been going three days a week for more than three years.  Lucy started at Lowell Day Nursery in the summer of 2010, as documented here

I can't believe how the time has flown by.  As I drove her there this morning, I realized that the route I take to drive to work is entirely based around being able to drop her off and pick her up.  Also, the school's proximity to the Lowell Beer Works meant that I scheduled a lot of late afternoon "meetings" with colleagues there, because I could usually hang out and have a drink, then go get Lucy and bring her back to join us (as I did yesterday, much to Lucy's delight; she loves their fries & lemonade).

Jake's off picking her up now. She asked if we could have a special dinner with a special dessert -- specifically chocolate pudding.  We will comply with these requests, of course.

More updates later, assuming I don't meltdown in a soggy pile of nostalgia and start singing "Sunrise, Sunset."

FYI, we honored her request:

Also, bonus image:  Here is a picture she brought home from school that had been on the bulletin board.  She announced to us, delightedly: "It's a bunny, faaahting!"

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