Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!

It's shaping up to be a snowy Thanksgiving, which is fine with us since we're staying home.  Jake finished all the shopping on Tuesday, and all our long-distance guests have already arrived.  We have John and Rose and Margaret already with us, and we will soon have Paul and Kathy and Christopher.   Jake has been in the kitchen cooking up a storm.

Lucy had a half day at school today, which was actually a 2.5 hour long school day, likely the least educational day ever.  But nonetheless, she brought home her turkey-in-disguise:

Explanation: every student was sent home last week with a picture of a turkey, and we were told to disguise the turkey so no one would know it was a turkey.  Not so easy.  So they all brought their turkeys back, and then every kid wrote a story about his/her turkey. Here is Lucy's:

So pillgrums and canabulls.  First grade is going well.

And for any of you out there struggling to prepare Thanksgiving dinner, here's Lucy's expert cooking advice:

 That about does it.  Have a Happy Thanksgiving, everyone.

We are very grateful to have so many wonderful friends and family in our lives.

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