Wednesday, June 3, 2015

various updates, somehow related

1.  We're getting a new washing machine. Should be delivered Friday.  Fingers crossed.  Until then, our clothes are kinda dirty.  Sorry if we smell.

2.  Also Friday: Lucy's class field trip to the Swan Boats in Boston!  She's very excited.  I'm serving as a chaperone.  Any advice?

3.  Alice has an ear infection. We have a new regime of 10 day of ear washes and ear drops twice a day.  FUN!  Not really. She's mostly compliant, and given her motivation re: treats, it's going pretty well so far.  You may recall that Lucy had a lot of ear infections.  So frequent, in fact, that we began to document them, like with this fabulous video:
Alice also seems to be in good spirits and does not seem to be affected much by the situation.

4. I took Alice on a walk today.  We were walking along at the Reservoir.  She ran for some birds.  I attempted to run, too. I am not sure exactly what happened, but I ended up on the ground.  I held onto the leash, but hurt my left ankle.  I laid there for a while, with Alice coming up to lick me.  I got some assistance from a neighborhood lady.  A man tried to help, too, but Alice's bark kept him away.  We got a ride home and I've been doing the ice/elevate thing.  So far, I think it's just a bit twisted.  We'll see how it's doing in the morning.  Hopefully it won't affect my ability to go to the swan boats!

5.  Further Reservoir update: for the past little while, we've been marveling at a charming family of ducks who have made their home at the Res (as we call it).  There was mama, a papa, and 11 duckings!  Totally adorable!  Over a couple of weeks, they were whittled down to 9 ducklings (not sure what happened to those other two,  but apparently this is a pretty good survival rate).  We stop in almost once a day on our regular dog walks to see them.  They've been growing up, getting more and more adorable, doing awesome diving tricks and following their mom about.

On Monday, we took Lucy for a brief walk after school (it had been raining all day and we were glad to have a moment of merely misting to get out and about).  We were AMAZED to see the ducklings following their mom, not around the pond, but walking down the street.  In fact, we followed at a safe distance, watching them cross streets and get from the Reservoir, then cruising down Bennett street, hopping into some backyards and popping out on Vernon street, and then just walking across Third Street, around the gazebo park.  We were so excited.  We tried to continue following, but somehow they gave us the slip (likely into a backyard?) so we gave up and came home.

BUT a few hours later, Jake drove downtown to pick up Alice from the Social Pup, and he spotted the duck family again!  It was awesome!  They made it all the way down to First Street and ended up in a parking lot of a business there.  They even got traffic to stop so that they could cross the VFW Highway so that they could get to what we presume was their intended destination: the mighty Merrimack River!  Here's their path (roughly, as google doesn't have a "duck path" option):

I hope to be able to add some video from Jake soon, because it is ridiculously adorable.  Make way for duckings, indeed!  And hey, on Friday, Lucy's class will be visiting the Make Way for Ducklings sculpture!  Serendipity indeed!

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