Friday, May 11, 2007

83 Durant Special Garden Edition

Look, look, look at our glorious garden!!!

Today we had some wonderful help here at 83 Durant to create our garden! We're so grateful to Jess and Stephan for coming out from Northampton to show us how to do a garden up right.

First, there was the turning of the earth and the adding in of "Moo Doo." It was a dirty job, and the ladies had to do it.

Meanwhile, the gentlemen were out back, breaking stuff. Actually, it was stuff they intended to break. Jake and Stephan further demolished the ugly fence at the side of the house. Amazingly, there were no injuries.

Now there's a lot more light on the side of the house, and a lot less ugliness. There is, however, a rather large pile of formerly-fence stuff out in the back yard that we need to deal with.

The hostas are growing like mad. I am a little bit afraid of them.

What if they try to take over the world?

The boys also put in some great steps leading down from the garden to the rest of the yard. They look awesome.

This is the shopping cart we borrowed from the street. We find it hilarious.

We used it to transport the rather heavy slates to the lower area of the yard. It may be pressed into service in the basement in some manner; we're not sure what to do with it yet.

At Jess's suggestion, we'll be doing a regular 83 Durant Street Garden feature. Stay tuned. We'll fill you on on the details of what we planted after we get some rest.


  1. Isn't it great spring is here? I am so excited and this time of year really lifts my spirits. Just dropping in via the next blog button and wanted to say hello. Have a great weekend.

    Andrew in Alabama
    The 4th Avenue Blues

  2. hurray for gardening! looks great!

  3. So, what are you planting in that large plot?

  4. What to do if the hostas take over? There's only one thing we can do: breed with their women and eventually our differences will gone.

  5. Oh, and I like Jess's suggestion of you guys doing a regular garden feature.
