Thanks to alert readers (check out the comments) we figured out that one of our weeds was actually only an overgrown radish -- a joke radish in bloom. HA! They have even bloomed tiny white flowers (see below). But we pulled one up, and indeed, it was/is a radish. Also, in the picture below, you will see that our lettuce has bolted. Suggestions, dear readers? Can we trim it back and hope to get decent lettuce out of it, or is this the kind of thing we should just pull up and be done with?
The tomatoes are not looking very tall or productive, with the exception of the one in the far left corner (we thought it was an "early girl" but now maybe something else).
It's clear from the state of the garden that we got some rain while we were away, which is wonderful. What is less than wonderful is the water in the basement, which, as usual, made its entrance via the window well off the driveway, as said driveway's drain was filled with gunk. Sigh. Piles of towels to dry again. We really need to get to that little masonry job very soon.
Other than that all is well at 83 Durant. We need to do some weeding and mowing of grass, but we're very happy to be home.
Aha! So it was a radish. ; ) bolted lettuce is icky. Plant again late summer for early fall or wait til next year. Tomato plants like their own leaves, so clip any yellow ones and put on ground near roots. Make sure they're getting sun...