And here's Rose, taking out nails in the wall so that our drywallers can do their jobs.
And here it is, the slanty ceiling all finished (except for drywall):
In the world outside, the workers succeeded in adding wood to fill the gap in the fascia boards, so we can no longer see outside from inside (even without the insulation in there!). Here's a sample of the little view to the outside world from destruction day in June (it might be hard to tell, but that's the neighbor's house and windows you're seeing through the crack in the middle):
And here it is now:
Also on the outside, they started taking off the section of rotten shingles on the driveway side of the house. Check out the mess:
That's all for today, since we had to let our guests out to play for a while. We'll get them back to work tomorrow morning, no doubt.
Wow, the room is looking good with the new insulation installed! Plus just having that direct opening from the outside to the inside closed has got to be nice. I'm looking forward to seeing the dry wall go up!