We have another stove update: the oven door is broken. For a few days, it was just "a little bit broken," meaning, the oven door didn't shut all the way, but you could still use it. Now it is in full scale broken-ness, meaning that the oven door will not stay closed at all, unless it is held up, say, by something like your hand, or, as you can see here, a bungee cord:
Any suggestions from our readers that don't involve bungee cords or buying a new stove? I know, I know, someone is going to complain about why I'm so down on bungee cords (see this post for my previous anti-bungee-solution stance).
In other small updates, those of you who were our guests last winter will be pleased to hear that our heating system is not nearly as noisy as it was last year. Those of you who have had the pleasure of sleeping at 83 Durant in the winter time may remember some scary pipe and radiator banging. Apparently the poltergeist living in our boiler has left. Perhaps it was the boiler cleaning, or perhaps it was the new steam vents, but it's much nicer this year. We do need to re-shim this radiator:
Because it seems to be the biggest source of banging right now. But other than that, we have mostly peaceful nights (except for that whole baby waking every four or five hours situation).
hurray for a sleeping baby! hurray for a blogging momma!