Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Conversations with Lucy

Yesterday, Lucy was a bit of a handful at daycare. I was told by our daycare provider that Lucy refused to nap, and was generally defiant of all requests to do all things. Adding to the provider's irritation was that she did all of this with a big grin on her face, laughing all the while. What to do?

When we got home, I talked with her about school -- the projects she had worked on and the kids she had played with. I asked her if she took a nap and she grinned and said "yes," then "NO!" I reminded her of the importance of her nap and of cooperation and so forth, and started talking about school tomorrow. Here is what follows:

Me: Are you going to behave?
Lucy (smiling): I don't want to behave.
Me: Why not?
Lucy: Because I want to be happy!

Oh Lord.


  1. On the basis of this post, which had me dying with laughter, I have sent Lucy a gift. It should come in a few days.

  2. that is the awesome. i had to read it out loud to my colleagues (who often like 2 year-olds) (gab)

  3. ACT like 2 year olds!! geez louise. no petifiles here (remember that band?)
