Saturday, March 6, 2010

Dryer still on Probation

We now have a functional, safe, 4-prong electrical outlet for our dryer. Said dryer can even be plugged into the outlet and receive its delicious electrical juice. One might think that I would doing laundry right now. Alas, I am not. Why are we not going on a drying binge, making things moist so as to test the strengths of our dryer?

The venting.

You knew it. As soon as you saw that picture of the ductwork from the old dryer going directly into the floor, dear reader, you knew. You knew the odds were seriously in favor of duct to crawlspace ending in the crawlspace rather than outside the building.

Still, we hoped. We dreamed.

And these hopes and dreams were crushed by the reality: the duct really does just go down into the crawlspace, where it belches damp lint into the area under the basement floor. This is not good. This is not safe. So tomorrow (maybe) we begin the new venting plan. What will the plan be?

1. Continue venting through the floor, but hook up actual ductwork that goes through the crawlspace and out through the back (where there are some vents. They look like this.

2. Take the vent straight out through the wall behind the dryer. This wall is brick.

3. Start using a clothesline.

Stay tuned, readers. You won't want to miss this one.

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