Jake had a little accident last weekend, and before I tell you all the details, I will first tell you that he is fine and everything turned out OK. How's that for suspense?
Here is the scene of the accident:
Sadly (or perhaps luckily, given the other alternatives), Jake stepped off the steps and into the uneven terrain of the patio area; he sprained his ankle. It hurt. A lot. I got him sitting down on the steps and ran in to get some ice. I came back out and started to apply the ice to the ankle, when Jake sorta started to shift towards me. I wasn't sure what he was doing, when I realized that he didn't know what he was doing, either: he was passing out. I sort of broke his fall, but he ended up lying on the ground with his head on a rock. I yelled to our next door neighbors (who were working outside, in sight of where we were) and they went to call 911, seeing as how Jake was unconscious. Yikes! Jake suddenly says "I just sprained my ankle. There's no need to call an ambulance......why am I on the ground?" He didn't know he had passed out.
I was a bit unsure of whether he had actually hit his head, perhaps even on the first fall, but we decided quickly that he was OK enough to just go to the E.R. via car. Anna (the grandmother next door) very kindly offered to stay at our house so Lucy could keep sleeping, and Liza (the mom next door) had a pair of crutches we used to get Jake to the car. We are tremendously grateful to have such kind neighbors!
We spent almost three hours hanging out at the E.R. Jake was feeling better by the time he saw the doctor. It was, as far as she could tell, just a sprain, so he got an air cast, and we were sent home. This was a relief.
Upon walking (limping, in Jake's case) through our front door, we heard an unexpected sound: "Hey! That's my parents! I hear my parents!" Yes, it was Lucy. Awake. At 1:30 in the morning. Apparently she had woken up about half an hour after we left, and since then had been talking non-stop to Anna. Carter had even gone upstairs (we don't let him upstairs) to check out the excitement. Wow! All our creatures took full advantage of our absence.
A week later, Jake is feeling much better. He hasn't been on a bike yet, but we're hoping he will be very soon. He's going to do some physical therapy, too, to strengthen the ankle (this isn't his first sprain).
Next project: install railing on the front wall steps.
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