Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Conversations with Lucy

I know I owe you a post w/ pictures of the changes, but we've hit a bit of a setback, with Lucy getting sick, then Jake getting sick, and now (surprise!) I'm sick too. Blargh. But for now, I must share with you this conversation from this morning's drive to school. As usual, we were listing to NPR's Morning Edition. Lucy was very quiet in the back, so in fact I thought she might have fallen asleep. But no, she was listening to the news, which was featuring a story on Jimmy Carter's trip to North Korea to get an American teacher out of prison there (the man is from Massachusetts, so this is an especially big story around here).

Lucy: Did they say "Carter"?
Me: Yes.
Lucy (with glee): They're talking about Carter!
Me: Oh, honey, they're not talking about your dog, Carter. They're talking about a man named Carter who was President.
Lucy: Carter! That's a funny name for a President.


More later when I'm feeling better.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you don't mind, but I'm excerpting most of this post over at my place. It's delicious. And it is more interesting than anything that happened to me today.
