1. Not hot pink
2. Painted -- professionally -- in a color we actually chose
3. Has three pieces of furniture that we bought from a store. More importantly, we are the FIRST owners of these three pieces.
4. We have a large (in my opinion) TV & attached media equipment
5. Said equipment is arranged nicely in a cabinet, with dedicated electrical switches that don't involve an elaborate set of extension cords crossing the room.
6. There are actual curtains, actually hemmed to fit the particular windows in which they hang.
I know, some of you might have said that buying a house, or maybe, having a child, were rather obvious signs we were grown-ups. Or the fact that I am updating this blog on a Friday night. OK, fine. We're grown-ups. But here's the evidence:
If you'd like to see how far we've come, you might enjoy a walk down memory lane through some old blog posts about the room formerly known as the pink room, such as this one, or this one, or this one. We've come a long way, baby.
I will try to post some more details of the changes, but for now I wanted to post this so that certain people (Moms, we're looking at you) could see the results now!
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