So the blizzard came, and we're all OK. There isn't a full foot of snow out there, but it is blowing like crazy all over the place. This morning we did some shoveling and Lucy went out to test her new snowboots and snowpants. All is in order, and there's a promise to go sledding later today.
Given the weather (and the virtual closure of every means of transport into or out of the area), we're quite glad that we weren't traveling over Christmas. We do have some plans ahead for a west coast visit (I'm going to MLA in Los Angeles) but we're glad to just be able to stay here and not worry about travel right now.
On Christmas Eve, we celebrated at the home of friends, and joined in their traditional Polish Christmas Eve festivities. The food was delicious -- perogies (filled with cheese, potatoes, and cabbage), and barszcz (white soup) with uszka (pasta shells filled with mushrooms). My favorite part was the pre-dinner tradition of breaking Opłatki, or unleavened bread. Each person had a piece of the bread (or "cracker" as Lucy liked to call it) and walked around to speak with everyone individually. As you wished each person a good year of good health, joy, and prosperity, you broke off a piece of their bread and gave it to the other person to eat; then as they wished you the same, they break off a piece of their bread and give it to you to eat. It was a lovely tradition.
Christmas was very nice here at 83 Durant. Lucy was most excited about the jellybeans. Really, none of the other presents mattered. We give her like four beans at a time, and it's like we've just given her beans filled with joy and rainbows. She's easy to please (and also easy to anger -- look out for the rage when you tell her "that's enough jellybeans for now").
We had brunch with Matt & Mary on Christmas day, gorging ourselves on Jake's home-made pop-tarts (amazing!) and Mary's eggs benedict and home-made bagels. And then Christmas cookies (and also jellybeans for those who were so inclined). It was lovely.
Santa also brought us some lovely Christmas presents including some great graphic novels that I wanted to read, and also, something that I didn't even know I wanted: Resident Evil 4 for the Wii. Jake thought it was the sort of thing I would enjoy playing. He knows me well. If you don't hear from me for a while, it is because I am playing (saving the world from zombies). We've actually be playing it together (he uses the nun-chuck to walk us around, and I shoot things); it's an intense game. Perfect for a snowy day when you're trapped inside!
Update: Re: Sledding:
"Hey, what kind of dog is that? Is that a cocker spaniel?"