That's Lucy, waiting for our guests to arrive.
So a bit before this year's party started, I looked back to the blog from last year's party to see if there were any hints. It was useful, so I figure I should document this year's, both for your amusement, and for next year's planning purposes. Here's this year's menu of what we made:
*Corned Beef (15 pounds pre-cooked weight) -- we only have a little bit left
*Colcannon (w/ 15+ pounds of potatoes) -- we have a lot left
*Boiled veggies -- carrots, cabbage, brussels sprouts -- a little bit left
*Caraway Puffs -- double batch, ALL GONE
*Spinach-cheese squares (my grandmother's recipe, but also found online here)-- ALL GONE
*Tomatillo salsa -- lots left
*Guacamole -- ALL GONE
*Hummus -- lots left
*Pasta salad -- lots left
*Smitten Kitchen Cocoa Brownies -- ALL GONE
*Salted White Chocolate Oatmeal Cookies -- maybe 8 left
*Coconut-macadamia macaroons -- maybe 10 left
We had about 30+ grown-ups, and another 10 or so kids (FIVE 3-year olds all at once!), which was a bit smaller than some of our other St. Pat's fests. Everything went pretty well. Lucy had one complete meltdown (like, drop to the floor and lay there flat on her belly, wailing) but was otherwise pretty content and entertained. This morning I asked her what she liked best about the party and she answered, without waiting for a beat: "DRINKING!" She meant milk, but still....
Carter managed to sneak a lot of treats, but I guess he kind of deserved them given his excellent behavior with all the kids, who were hugging him and leading him around the house. Everyone had a good time, and went home well-fed. Mission accomplished.
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