Thursday, April 14, 2011

Things I've been meaning to blog about, and the things that have kept me from doing that blogging

There are numerous blog entries in my head that need to get out here, but there hasn't been enough time. For the past 16 hours, I've been on the phone dealing with the disaster that is having your wallet stolen. Lame! Actually, it's going fairly well, given that it's a crappy thing to happen. Here's what I've done:
*ordered a new driver's license ($25)
*canceled debit card
*canceled three different credit cards (which also cancels Jake's cards -- kind of a hassle!)
*filed police report
*called campus security (they'll give me a new ID for free since I filed the police report)
*called CVS about a gift card (actually, their customer service was AWESOME and they are sending me a new card)
*put a fraud alert on my profile with all the credit agencies
*looked through trash cans at the place it was stolen (grossness, and to no avail)

I didn't lose much money in the whole deal, which is a relief, but dealing with it has been such a time suck. And I'm guessing the grabber probably took the money and tossed the wallet (apparently pretty common, and there has been no activity on any of the cards). There's a bunch more cards I still have to deal with, but none of them critical (library card, zoo membership, health insurance, AAA, prescription card, union card, etc.) so I'll be listening to a lot of hold music in the next few days, I'm sure. Sigh.

So those other things I've been meaning to blog:

Lucy is potty-trained. We started last Friday with an intensive weekend of mostly staying home so that we were always close. Against my previous wishes/hopes/plans, we ended up going with a treat-reward system. She gets an M&M for a successful potty use. There is a more complicated system for particular forms of, uh, elimination, with a higher ratio of treats (2M&Ms PLUS a jellybean!). Friday and Saturday went pretty well. On Sunday, we went for some seriously advanced action: we went to Boston for the day. Aside from one accident, all went well, even with strange restrooms. We actually brought the potty seat in the trunk. So far this week, she has had success for two days at school: she has come home in the same underwear & pants that she went to school in. This is victory. Wow! Still doing diapers for nap and bedtime, but still, this is big. She's not even 18!

There's more, but not more time at the moment. Happy Spring to all!

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