Thursday, November 17, 2011

Updates from the tenure year

My tenure case has now officially passed both the Department's review process and (just yesterday) the College Personnel Committee.  The voting at both levels (and for all five of us) has been unanimously in favor of tenure for me/us, which is a good thing.
It's off to the Dean next week.
Then University Rank & Tenure.
Then Chancellor.
There might be a few stages in there that I'm missing, because we don't get final word until May.  May 2012.
But who's counting?

In other, less anxiety-producing news, today is Lucy's Birthday! She's FOUR! We can hardly believe it. Here are some pictures of Lucy, Age 4:

(We're in the slow & frustrating process of trying to grow bangs out!!)

I have a backlog of blog posts I need to write....hope to get to those soon!

Happy November to all!

1 comment:

  1. Happy, happy belated birthday to Luce Magoose, in her fabulous dress with her modeling pose down pat.
