Saturday, November 3, 2012

Children are disgusting

I pause to share a few great moments in parenting.  This Thursday, Lucy was playing with Ruth and Woody at their house.  I walked up the hill to pick up Lucy, and I could see and hear Lucy and Ruth and Woody playing outside.  When I arrived, Lucy and Ruth gleefully told me that they had just eaten a lollipop.  Knowing full well that this is not typical fare at the Kenney household (even on the day after trick-or-treat), I was suspicious, and thus the following conversation ensued:

Bridget: A lollipop? I did you each have one?
Lucy/Ruth: We shared one!
Bridget: Really?  That's kind of gross.
Lucy/Ruth: We found it in the tree!!!!
Bridget: WHAT?
Lucy: It was in the tree!  We saw it and I climbed up and got it and passed it down to Ruth.  And she ate some,  and then gave it to me and I ate some!  We shared!
Bridget: Was it WRAPPED?
Lucy/Ruth (in unison, delightedly): NO!
Bridget: So you ate some poor squirrel's Halloween treat?  Was it, like, half-eaten?
Lucy/Ruth: YES!

So apparently, the children found half-eaten candy in a tree and ate it.  Lucy was very emphatic about the fact that they had SHARED the candy. 

Bridget: Did you give Woodrow any?
Lucy: No!  He didn't want any.  He said it was a squirrel's lolly.

Children are disgusting.  If you need any more proof, here is another conversation, from the very same day.  At breakfast, Lucy began:

Lucy: Mom, what are farts good for?
Bridget: Uh, what?
Lucy: What are farts good for?
Bridget: That's what I thought you said, but I wasn't sure I'd heard correctly.  I don't know.  What are farts good for?
Lucy (laughing): They're good for stinking up a room!!!  I'm pretty farty.

You may recall a post about a previous conversation regarding a misunderstanding of Lucy's pronunciation of the word "thought," which sounded like "fart."  In this case, she was indeed asking about farts.

Welcome to our world.

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