Saturday, November 10, 2012

Previous Post: Still True

On Thursday while I was having a long day at work, Jake sent me an e-mail with this piece of evidence attached:

In case you're not clear on what's going on there, that's an "Incident Report" from Lucy's school.  When they give first aid (even a band aid), they fill out one of these so the parents know what's up.  In this case, something really was up.  Up Lucy's nose.  She stuck a bead up her nose.  It came out, with some assistance, but no medical personnel were involved.

To be clear, this is NOT a documented problem on MY side of the family.  This is all on the Bridge side. 

Children are disgusting.

On that same long day at work, I attended a poetry reading (I realize that it's a special thing to be able to go to a poetry reading as part of my day's work; I am not complaining about that).  Last weekend, Lucy had announced that she planned to have two jobs when she grows up: a music teacher and a poet.  I was taken aback and delighted.  So after the reading, I bought a book from each of the poets, and asked them to sign the books for Lucy.  I told them about her and her desire to be a poet; I also told them (because they were pretty awesome and fun folks) that Lucy was at that moment recovering from having shoved a bead up her nose.  Kindly, one of the poets wrote in her inscription: "To Lucy: Good luck with your nose."

I look forward to the day when Lucy gets to read the poems and wonders what the heck was going on then.

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