We've been busy here with Mom propelling the completion of several small projects. Jake added a new shelf into this cabinet in the kitchen, making it much more useful for all the stuff we need to fit in there. In the shot of the finished shelf, you can also see our terrific new work light, which arrived for Christmas from Ernta Claus. It's just what we needed!
Jake also fixed the front of this small kitchen drawer. It was broken when we moved in, and we haven't been able to use it. Now it's a helpful home for various bags.

Jake also installed a new shelf over the radiator. It fits nicely here, and holds cookbooks and such. Check out the bookends!

While Jake worked on the shelf, I worked on organizing some of our tools and home-fix-it equipment, which was in a sorry state of disarray. It still is, but somewhat less so. I found several baggies of various pieces of hardware, which I organized and put in my favorite old school tupperware cups (that we have never used). I then used my favorite label maker to create labels. This worked for about 3 seconds, when the labels popped off. With the added adhesive powers of the hot glue gun, they stayed on, but I'm not sure that these little containers will really be the final resting place for the screws and nails and such.

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