Our exhaust dude has just arrived, and hopefully by the end of the day, our hood will be hooked up. Let's see if I can keep up with the updates. So far, he's brought in a sawz-all, and has apparently hit something tougher than he expected. This makes us slightly concerned about what is actually in that section of the wall. Stay tuned.
There are scary sounds coming from the kitchen. Discoveries:
1. The red tile goes all the way up to the ceiling on that side of the wall, too.
2. The space we're hoping to go through with the ductwork appears to be filled with blown-in insulation. (not sure if this is good or bad yet)
There's a hole in our wall. Usually a statement of this sort makes me terrified. But it's all good. It looks like that area is indeed empty (aside from the insulation) so he's going to be able to send the duct through and out to the back porch. Hooray!
Ooops! So much for the live blog. Well, the project is pretty much done. It's amazing how the professionals can just take care of stuff. Nice. Photos to follow later. We have a functioning hood that blows the nastiness outside! Hooray!
Update: photos.
They're not great shots, but here's the hole in the wall:
and here's the length of duct work that goes through the hole:
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