Monday, January 18, 2010

Welcome, Luke William Marshall

Lucy has a new cousin! Hooray! Pictures forthcoming, no doubt, but for now, vital stats:
11:45 am
8 pounds, 8 ounces
20 3/4 inches
Congratulations to all!
Here is a link to Brendan & Jennifer & Luke's Flickr page.


  1. Please send our congratulations to Brendan and Jennifer! There will be plenty of love and Legos in Luke's future!

  2. Wait, wait, wait -- you weren't kidding about Luke or Leia?!?

  3. I was sort of joking, but I guessed that Luke was in the running, as it's a family name (my Mom's brother). And I just know that there is going to be a lot of "Luke, I am your father" going on. ;)
