Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Arguments with Lucy

I felt the need to document this "conversation" as it presents a first (you'll see which one). I was getting her a bowl of cereal for breakfast this morning, when I hear her yell from her highchair:

Lucy: I don't want that bowl!
Me: OK, you can have this bowl instead.
Lucy: I want two bowls!
Me: Nope. You get one bowl. Which one would you like?
Lucy: I want two bowls!
Me: Nope. You only need one bowl for your cereal. Which one would like?
Lucy: I want two!
Me: One.
Lucy: Sometimes, I have two bowls. Daddy gives me two bowls.

Yes indeed, this is our first "but [other parent] said I could/lets me do this" rebuttal. Awesome.


  1. I was wondering if she does get two bowls from her dad, or if doesn't and she was trying to trick you...

    -other JB
