Thursday, April 21, 2011

"The Truth of Everything"

The title of the post refers to Lucy's new title. She informed me, after I picked her up at school today, that she is "the Truth of Everything." I asked her what this meant, and she explained that she is good at finding things, so Simba gave her the name "The Truth of Everything." Mind you, Simba is her teddy bear. So her stuffed animal told her that she is "The Truth of Everything."

I pressed her on the whole concept while we were driving home, and she explained that she did not make it up, and that she hadn't heard anyone else use the phrase. I asked how Teddy had heard the phrase, and she told me that Teddy heard it on a song he was listening to on her purple radio. Again, the purple radio is one of the many imaginary items in Lucy's collection, which include, at last count: a pink computer, a blue computer, a green computer, several televisions, a purple radio, and a yellow suitcase. She sang a few bars of the song, which goes, roughly, "the truth of everything....the truth of everything...." and so on. I asked her who sings this new pop sensation. She informed me "the Ringos." Yup, the Ringos.

I think I might believe her. And that perhaps she is going insane. Or I am. The Truth of Everything, indeed.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. I'm completely amazed and slight scared at what thoughts go through Miss Lucy's mind. She's something else, that's for sure.

    The Truth of Everything. Love it!
