Monday, September 5, 2011

Neighborhood Signs

So I really need a chance right now to write about something other than myself, which is a really icky thing to be doing for too long (which is what I've been doing a lot of for my current tenure packet and a grant proposal). There's not much to write about the house at the moment, so I thought I'd finally try to sit down an write up a post I've long been mulling.

I love signs of all sorts, and I love what they tell us about our neighborhoods. Back when we lived in Northampton, there was a rice pudding shop that sold different varieties of rice pudding. [Please, someone remind me what the name of the place was.] You could track the (well-foreseen by everyone except the owners perhaps) demise of the business by the addition of more and more signs outside indicating new offerings. When they started to advertise that they were selling "all beef hot dogs" as the perfect complement to their rice pudding, the end was very near. Keep in mind that Northampton is the kind of town where you could probably open a restaurant that served 23 different kinds of kale. I'm not exaggerating. Much.

Anyway, I'm intrigued by curious signage. One that has really bothered me is this place down on Bridge Street:

Can you read it? Here's a closer view:
Total Power International? Are you serious? This is where it all comes from? Right here, mere blocks from my house? What do they do there? Should I even be writing about these people? If this blog post disappears, you'll know who's responsible.

I'm also rather fond of this sign from the liquor store in our neighborhood (also on Bridge Street):
Indeed! There are a few other nice liquor store signs in town, so I'll have to get on with taking some photos for another post.

Another local sign we love is this one:
Yup, that's Arthur's Paradise Diner, home of the Boott Mill sandwich. Note that it is "delicious," but only in quotation marks. Perhaps it's an ironic deliciousness? Or *some* people say it's delicious? Well, I can tell you that I think it's more than "delicious:" it's delicious. In case you're wondering what makes a Boott Mill sandwich, it's a bulkie roll with egg, your choice of meats and cheese, and then the genius part: the home fries are shoved right on in there. Delicious.

Actually, in the background of that photo you can also see another popular Lowell sign, up on top of the building that was formerly the home to the Lowell Sun. When the Sun moved last year, they left the sign up top --- I do wonder if they're going to take that down.

I hope to have more signs for you soon. Hope you're enjoying your Labor Day weekend.

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