Sunday, February 5, 2012

Live-blogging the (last bit of) the Superbowl

So here we are, watching the Super Bowl.  Many of you will be surprised by this.  But we've sort of adopted our local culture in all its sometimes alien rituals.  And yelling "GO PATS!" periodically is part of that ritual.  Generally, the only football we watch is the football that appears on the TV show Friday Night Lights, but we've made an exception.  (By the way, even if you don't like football, Friday Night Lights is amazing and you should watch it.)

Lucy even got into watching a bit of the first quarter.  She and Ruth stared at the screen for a while, not quite understanding what was going on.  I had to go a dinner with a job candidate, so I missed all the first-quarter excitement.  But I got home in time to see the halftime show.  I was kind of excited to see the Madonna show.  I can't believe she did "Vogue," which is a horrible song.  While watching, though, I was hit with a high school memory I'd thought I'd forgotten, when my friends Lisa and Cara and a bunch of other girls and I did a talent show lip-sync to the song.  We were not, however, carried into our performance by Roman Centurions, as Madonna was this evening.  Wow, Madonna.  I would have made some other musical choices, but it was a fun show nonetheless.  The high point was when the two drumlines came out for "Express Yourself."  I love a drumline.  Seriously, there should be more marching bands for halftime shows.  I guess I'm seriously channeling my high school self tonight.  Oops.

So we're up 17 - 15 right now.  GO PATS!

Updates as events warrant.


Conversations with Lucy (TM) Super Bowl Edition:

So Lucy was very excited about the Super Bowl, but we found ourselves wondering just what she knew about the game.  We were surprised by her excitement, and then we realized just how little she understood "the Super Bowl" when she asked "When can I see it flying?"

Excuse me?

It turns out, Lucy believed that what the world was gearing up for was the "Super Bull," which, in her mind, was a sort of Super-Man like Bull.  Of course.  Completely understandable.  Who WOULDN'T be excited about seeing a flying bull?  With super-powers?  Come to think of it, I would MUCH rather be watching the Super Bull right now.  Would he wear a cape?  Would he have a lasso of truth?

Once Jake cleared up that it was not, in fact, a "bull," she wanted to know why it was called a "Bowl."  Anyone?  Bueller? We don't know either.  So she had a lot of questions, and we had very, very few good answers.

But she was down with the whole "GO PATS!" thing, so she's all set for school.

Bridget's Super Bowl Commercials Review:

I was appropriately charmed by the Matthew Broderick commercial, which I know was for a car, but I'm not sure which one.  So, uh, I'm not sure that's actually a success for the advertiser.  And let's face it, I'm pretty much smack in the middle of the demographic for that ad.

I really liked the commercial for the Samsung Galaxy Note, though it is a product I will never purchase.

The Clint Eastwood commercial was just creepy.

Crap!  NY just scored.  21 - 17.  Crap!

Crap!  We just lost.  Again.
A Super Bull WOULD have been better.

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