Friday, February 10, 2012


It's WINTERFEST here in Lowell!  We love Winterfest.  We went down to partake of the festivities tonight and it was downright balmy out there!

We watched the first round of Human Dogsled Races:

There were also fire-dancers and fire-eaters (sorry, no photos of that, but it was pretty impressive).  Lucy had the best seat in the house (and a glowstick):
And then we had a special treat: the largest marshmallows we've ever seen:
They had a whole toast-your-own thing happening.  Lucy opted to keep hers in their raw state, though she did taste my toasted one (hence the string o' mallow-sticky-goodness on her face there).
We're in for more fun tomorrow, with more sled races, kid-friendly fun (free cupcakes, balloon animals, a magician!), and also a visit from actual sled-dogs (Lucy is particularly excited about this part).  We'll hopefully have more to post after the events.

1 comment:

  1. Monty did NOT like the Winterfest fireworks Sat night. No ma'am. Sounded like a battle on our roof. :\
