Monday, February 20, 2012

There's always so much to like about Lowell!

Today we spent some time at events during Lowell Kids' Week.  Seriously.  More free, fun, family-friendly activities.  Lucy made her own bobblehead, got a balloon animal, and drew a picture on the Family Mural Wall.  Lucy also got to try on a Park Ranger uniform, and got to meet the famous Spinners' mascot, the Canaligator.  It was just lovely.

Yup, that's her bobblehead.  Awesome.

There was also a very cool downtown scavenger hunt.  The map featured pictures of different locations, buildings, and sculptures in downtown Lowell, and questions about them.  It was a good chance to grab a few photos of some of the lovely sites downtown:

That's the scuplture "Homage to Women."  I particularly like how the pigeon is getting into the spirit of things in this shot.

That's a cool clock, also featuring this thermometer:
Well, that's not a good shot of the thermometer,  but Lucy really liked how she fit right under it.
We also stopped by the Kerouac park that we always pass:
They have engraved quotes from his writing onto these large marble slabs.  I rather like the effect here of the reflection of the mill building on the shiny marble:
That's all from here. 
Oh, but wait.  I keep having to add to this entry. Lucy wants me to mention that there was also face-painting.  You may have noticed the big pink heart on her cheek.  Yup.  Facepainting.  She loves it. 
Also, I can't believe I didn't mention that we picked up our own (free) set of Lowell National Historic Park Civil War Trading Cards.  Seriously.  Trading cards featuring famous Lowellians who were connected with the Civil War.  Awesome!  Apparently there are other sets at other National Parks.  Now we need to go visit all the other parks.  (I think we might need to get Lucy a National Parks Passport.)  One of the set of five cards features Lucy Larcom.  Woo hoo!  Lucy LOVES Lucy Larcom!

Hope you're enjoying your Presidents' Day holiday in a presidential manner.

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