I feared that these holes indicated that some critter-type being had taken up residence. A snake? A mole? What could it be? My first plan was to cover up a few of the holes with bricks, just to see what would happen. I forgot about the holes for a week, but was reminded of them again today. Jake and I checked them out, and lo and behold, the critter dug a hole around and under the brick so he could get back into his original hole.
He (or she) seems to have dug up a great deal of dirt. So the questions, dear readers:
1) What manner of creature do you think it is?
2) What should we do about this creature? [if you say "keep it as a pet and playmate for Carter, I will not be amused.]
I'm pretty sure it's not a flying squirrel, but I have no idea what it really is.
Do you ever see chipmunks (ground squirrels) in your yard? Or hear their loud chirpy noise?
ReplyDeleteOr the holes could belong to moles or voles.
I agree with Suzi that the holes belong to chipmunks. Although it is difficult to imagine any wild animal would come any where near 83 Durant while it is being guarded by the fearsome Carter. A quick check on the web for animal holes might be helpful.
ReplyDeleteMy sister's yard got Swiss-cheesed by Chipmumks. Google "Bird-x Shake Away" for one organic option. Creepier possibilities include your various predator urines and, so I've heard, hair clippings. For all I know, that's what's in Shake Away, but it's all happily disguised and granulated. Ignorance is bliss, as is not spilling concentrated coyote urine on yourself.