"It's summer!" you're saying -- "why would they be boxing up an air conditioner?" Well, here's the thing: we ordered the air conditioner online, and it arrived with a big ole dent in it. So we had to box the whole thing back up to return it. Blargh. But slightly less blargh because I had my tape gun. It rules. Between packages for presents, the occasional E-Bay sale, and various crafty things with Lucy, I get a lot of use out of the thing, and I highly recommend it.
So while I'm at it, here's one of my favorite kid products: the snack trap. It is genius. The specific one we have is the Munchkin Snack Catchers
Lucy's been using them for a long time, and the continue to be very helpful on car trips. You may also remember that it was a bit of a challenge for even Carter to get snacks out of the trap.
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