The new neighbors across the street also had a bigger project done: they cut down a big tree. We're sad about this, as it was a lovely lovely lovely old tree. But apparently its roots was growing into their house and had collapsed one of their foundation walls. Yikes!
The pocket there I made from a wool felt kit that Rose gave me (thanks, Rose!). The fabric is actually a (clean) canvas drop cloth (from the hardware store) that I had bought for some other long-ago and forgotten project. There's lots more of the canvas, so I might need to make some more bags.
Things in the garden get better every day. We've gone from this:
To this:
The blueberries should be ready soon, too:
That's all for today. We're hoping to go to Lowell Riverfest for a bit tomorrow, if the weather holds out.
Jake has headed out for the weekend to do the Green Mountain Double Century. Here's the blurb the race organizer has put out:
205 miles, 80% dirt, 25,000 feet of climbing.
Yup. He's crazy.
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