Sunday, August 21, 2011


Jake has been wanting to build a workbench in the basement for all those projects. I mentioned this to our friend Matt who suggested that he actually had a workbench he didn't need anymore. Check out our new basement awesomeness:

Would you like to guess what the top is made of? Take a closer look:

Give up?

It's a bowling alley! The vise on there is from my grandfather's basement workshop.

We had a nice morning hike over at the Lowell-Dracut-Tyngsboro State Forest.

Lucy did really well:

She also saw a snake. Here's what Lucy says:

It was crawling around. It was in the grass and it was tan. I saw it first. I called my Mom and Dad and told them there was a snake. I felt surprised. Carter didn't see it. Daddy didn't see it either. Mommy saw it {but now Mommy thinks that maybe she saw a different snake because the one she saw was black with a white stripe down its back].

Thanks to guest blogger Lucy!

We just did a check on snakes of Massachusetts and found out for sure that we saw a Common Garter Snake. We want to give a recommendation of the UMass Amherst Snakes of Massachusetts site. Awesome! There are 14 kinds of snakes native to Massachusetts.

Oh, yes, and yesterday was our visit to the Southeast Asian Water Festival. It was a VERY hot day, and we rode the tandem over, so we didn't have a lot of stamina. We ate some awesome sausage and sticky rice, and watched the boats race by. It was *very* crowded there. Lots going on. Good local Lowell fun.

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