The masons are gone and our chimney is done! This is the back, flat roof chimney, all freshly repointed with a chimney cap.
And this is the newly stucco'ed inside of the chimney from the attic. We're pleased and relieved to have it all done so quickly.
And because there's never a dull moment at 83 Durant, I'll go ahead and document the next thing we need to figure out: fascia boards. They are the boards that you see underneath the roof, and are attached to our wooden gutter (yes, we have wooden gutters on one side of the house). This one, as you can see, is pretty rotted. This is because the wooden gutter seems to be pretty ineffective at actually draining the water. We're not sure what to do, or even who to call on this one. I think we'll wait to talk to our slate roof guy, and see what he suggests. For now, we'll enjoy the fact that we have such nice chimneys!
Those there are some purdy lookin' chimneys. Did that sound kind of backwoods-ish scary? I was shooting for something like this (specifically the parts from 4:20 - 5:16):
"You folks don't give no matches to Mikey!"