We get a nice sunset in the dining room. I ordered new sheers for the pink room, but they're not long enough (sigh). Those are some tall windows. We're also trying to figure out curtains for the front room (currently some hand-me-downs from one of my mom's neighbors) and for our bedroom (very old and faded lavender ones that don't really fit or look right). I hate shopping for curtains. They are never in the right size for our windows.
In lighting news, I recently discovered that the non-functioning light in the laundry room basement isn't a light at all: it's a heater. It is still inoperable (I can't figure out how the switch works) but we're one step closer, I suppose.

It's a "Fostoria" (that name is on it so I looked it up on the internet) and it's mounted on the ceiling, right beside a fluorescent lighbulb fixture. It seems to be some kind of infrared quartz heater. It looks like the one pictured here:
but I don't see anything that looks like the switch box, which looks like this:

It's not clear how this box could turn the thing on or off, so I don't know if works, or if it has a burnt-out heating element, or if it's a fire hazard waiting to happen. For now we just don't touch it. But I guess it's just another one of those WHHHHHHAAAT spots in the house.
Your picture looks (because of the flattened side of the projecting piece of metal) like the type of switch that you rotate to turn on. Try it. That's the type of heaters that is used outside in ferry waiting areas.