We are now wondering how many rooms in the house were hot pink, and whether someone who lived here was crazy or in a cult, or perhaps was blind. We're also wondering about the timeline for all of this. Could it be that the yellow paint and the upstairs wallpaper are actually recent updates, perhaps done at the prodding of a real estate agent, a real estate agent who is a "staging professional" and might have also added new furniture to the house? [We know that the agent for the sellers was a "staging professional," and it seemed pretty clear that the house was in fact "staged" with limited furniture, no personal stuff, and perhaps a lot of fake furniture.]
The blogging has slowed down, which I think represents both a return to the business of the semester, as well as a much-needed break in home repair emergencies. No critters (that we didn't invite) and no leaks (as far as we know) for a couple of weeks now, so we're hoping it stays that way.
In other news, we also got new curtains for the front room. They're from Ikea.
We will need to hem them, but for now we're letting them skim the floor. They let in a lot of light, but also give us some privacy, and I like that they're not just plain white. Check out the pattern, which fits nicely with the medallion and the wallpaper border at the top:
I also noticed in some of the photos taken in the attic that even the insulation is PINK! Man, was everything pink in the house?